Just a cutie~
Just a cutie~
*chef kiss* magnificent~
Dammit there goes my chances at finding a nice lady shark. Pack it in boys, time to go home.
What are there names. They look awesome.
Spongebob Squarepants but if it was a horror series. The real question is what happened? It looks like something slashed at her suit. Also her face looks like her skin was torn off? Maybe some piranha got in there, regardless it's a cool, creepy look.
Aww that looks cute!
God it's been FOREVER since I played this game. Good times were had.
Good times indeed.
This was my introduction to the world of JRPGs.
And no better could have I wished for.
Kind of looks like a denizen.
Who's she hunting?
I like sticks and stick fights. Also sometimes me and Terra share stories.
Not anymore
Joined on 11/27/16