At long last. Look at him snooze.
At long last. Look at him snooze.
Oh boy. That last pic is going to do things for people.
Solid ending. 5 outta 5.
Victoria Steel...more like Victoria STOLE MY HEART.
I like the single cuff on his ankle. Don't know what it is but it looks cool and kind of dorky? But in a cool anime way.
I'm loosing it with Bacon Project. XD There are too many questions with that line alone.
I'll admit that the name of the game is very . . . unique xD but it's easy to pronounce and memorable ^^
The lemon guy is giving off eldritch vibes.
This is so absurd and I LOVE IT. Chainchucks feels like a RWBY weapon or something equally fun from Devil May Cry/Bayonette
This is nice.
I like sticks and stick fights. Also sometimes me and Terra share stories.
Not anymore
Joined on 11/27/16